Photographic Society of Orange County

Members' SmugMug Projects:

  • PSOC Facebook page

  • PSOC SmugMug Gallery

  • PSOC Members are encouraged to create a focussed photographic project of their own design and implementation. A Member will go through the required Project approval process and, when complete, the Digital Committee will post the Project into the PSOC SmugMug account.
    Use the link above to access the detailed instructions. This opportunity is restricted to PSOC Members In Good Standing only. The Gallery of Member Projects is only accessible for viewing by PSOC Members that have received the current PSOC SmugMug password.

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    The Photographic Society of Orange County has a private “members only” Group Facebook Page where members can share photos and chat with one another. PSOC members who are already a Facebook user can find the PSOC page by logging in to their Facebook page and typing PSOC in the “search for people, places, and things” box on the navigation bar. PSOC members who are not on Facebook yet might want to join Facebook first so they can participate in the PSOC page.