Digital File Information

How to prepare your digital files for a meeting.

Video Instructions for Processing and Submitting your Photos
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Instructions for Processing Submitted Photos

click here for Instructions for Processing Submitted Photos.

The title slide should represent whether it is for the "field trip" or the "assignment" for that month


click here for sample title slide.

Email the resized images to

Photo files should be named beginning with the photographer's first, middle and last initials followed by the number zero and the number of the photo submitted. For example, if your name was David Evans and you were submitting 4 photos, they would be named as follows: DJE01, DJE02, DJE03 and DJE04.Your title photo must be the 01, the lowest number.

Send your digital files for the meeting to the Photo Show Coordinator at

Need help with your digital files If you need help with sizing or sending your digital files? Contact the Photo Show Coordinator.