Mission Statement

We are a place where members can approach photography with a resolution to reach their creative potential.

The PSOC is a place for novice to advanced photographers to be able to exchange ideas, improve
their photography, and enjoy relationships with others who share their passion for photography.
PSOC is not a competitive club. It is more of a social club where all the members, having a
common interest in photography, can come together to learn and develop their skills.

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Welcome From the PSOC President:

"The Photographic Society of Orange County (PSOC), founded in 1992 with eight members, is based in Fountain Valley, CA. We are a dues paying member organization open to the public, with a membership of approximately 150 photographers. In terms of experience, our Members range from relative beginners to professionals. Our primary goal is to learn from each other, and from non-members, while enjoying an informal social environment. Each month, we engage the guidance of external experts to provide supportive critique to those members who submit their individual work. We also conduct monthly one day field trips to nearby sites of interest for members, and twice a year we organize overnight trips for members of a few days to locations in the US chosen by the membership. We want everyone to learn more about the craft of photography, having fun in doing so.

PSOC President Susan Bouet

Susan Bouet PSOC President

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